Eslam El Rihany

You are cordially invited to the opening of Stop 35. A solo exhibition by Eslam El Rihany.
Saturday February 19th from 7-9 pm

As narrated by artist Eslam El Rihany:
Station 35
The stations of life are nothing but stops, we sip its sweetness and gulp its bitterness, without choosing… Like a traveler enjoying, rejoicing, waiting, feeling ecstasy at one time, and contemplating things with amazement and sadness at another time…
I have previously drank my coffee to the sound of waves over the rocks, to the sound of pigeons weaving their nests neatly over the window of my room, as I drank it to the sounds of trains that I am still waiting for, and I hear their sounds coming from afar… But, I have never drank my coffee to the sound of them playing in the rain!
These are life paintings… depicting situations and stations that inspired me.

Station 35
Eslam El Rihany

Exhibition Gallery