Miriam Hathout

Miriam Hathout
an Egyptian artist, born in Cairo in 1980 graduated from the Faculty of
Fine Arts.in Cairo she has already had 16 individual exhibitions and one
in Switzerland. Germany, England and Italy
In addition, she has participated in many international group
exhibitions, including in Switzerland, France, England, Italy, Lebanon,
Morocco, Kuwait, Austria and Saudi Arabia.
She loves painting the Egyptian culture with lively, bright plain colors
Like landscape, peasants, specifically Egyptian donkeys which she
portrays as a humble, intelligent, and hard-working animal
Her works also cover the daily problems in the common life of the
Egyptians who suffer from poverty. Her technique is a mixture
between Fauvism and Impressionism, where she does not have much
attention to detail, but rather draws the impression with solid, bold
color pastes.Her pictures are in Cairo, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, America,
Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Serbia, Belgium, Spain,
Cyprus and the Czech Republic

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Villa 118, Diplomatic District, El Sheikh Zayed

Opening Hours:
Daily from 10:00 AM- 6:00 PM

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