Ingy Aflattoun


she was born in a palace in Cairo and received her education at the French boarding school (Sacred Heart School), then at the French Lycee School where she obtained her baccalaureate.

She started her artistic creativity path automatically before studying the art of drawing academically, as her father brought her a teacher when he noticed her inclination towards art. After a while, she met one of the artists who influenced the artistic movement at that time, Kamel El-Telmissany, who began explaining art to her and directing her towards the history of arts and the philosophy of beauty, and introduced her to the arts of heritage and trends of modern art through references and pictures; A window opened before her through which she looked out onto the world of arts, full of beauty, and that was from 1942 until 1945.

Inji adopted surrealism as an approach to express herself artistically, so she depicted all the dreams and nightmares that came to her mind in a novelistic way, and this is evident in the paintings (The Flying Monster), (The Black Garden) and (The Revenge of a Tree). At almost the same time, Inji Aflatoun began her artistic career with the (Art and Freedom) group, which included Mahmoud Said and Fouad Kamel among its members.

Inji Aflatoun received high appreciation in the East and the West throughout her long journey in the path of the art of figurative painting, and critics said about her (she adds a tremendous amount of vitality to her interpretation of nature.. and realizes the value of the work as an integral part of the natural landscape).. In Rome, they said about her (she emerged from the heart of the contemporary Egyptian visual arts movement that is linked to reality, depicting the harsh grandeur of Egyptian nature in moments of daily life, and her strength lies in her ability to capture a feeling).

First Exhibition
She presented her first private exhibition in 1951, which was dominated by social realism, whether in the paintings in which she expressed the dominance of men over women’s capabilities or the paintings that depicted the armed struggle against the British occupation forces, such as (We Will Not Forget), which expressed the martyrs of the fedayeen in the battles of the Suez Canal.[6]

Private Exhibitions
The artist Angie Aflatoun held about 25 private exhibitions inside and outside the country, including:
Rome Exhibition 1967
Exhibition in Dusseldorf, East Berlin and Moscow 1970
Exhibition in New Delhi 1979
Exhibition at the Academy of Rome 1981
She held a comprehensive exhibition of her artworks in Akhenaten Hall 1942, 1985
Exhibition in Akhenaten Hall 1987
Kuwait Exhibition 1988
Cairo Atelier organized an exhibition to commemorate the artist 1989
Her paintings were displayed in the 1990 Salon
A large exhibition of her works was opened and is considered the first exhibition in Washington for women in the arts 1994.
International Group Exhibitions
She participated in international group exhibitions, including:
Sao Paulo Biennale 1953
Venice Biennale 1952, 1968
Alexandria Biennale for Mediterranean Countries, session (4) 1961, Session (6) 1965
Contemporary Art Exhibition in Belgrade 1974
Salon (Independents) in Paris No. (87) in 1976 “Commissaire”
Participated in the Contemporary Egyptian Art Exhibition in Paris and was a “Commissaire”

Participated in international group exhibitions including:

Sao Paulo Biennale 1953
Venice Biennale 1952, 1968
Alexandria Biennale for Mediterranean Countries Session (4) 1961, Session (6) 1965
Contemporary Art Exhibition in Belgrade 1974
Salon (Independents) in Paris No. (87) in 1976 “Commissaire”
Participated in the Contemporary Egyptian Art Exhibition in Paris and was a “Commissaire”
Participated with a number of Egyptian artists in the Alabama Exhibition, USA 1988.
Famous Paintings

Cultural Works and Activities

She published a book entitled (80 Million Women with Us) 1947
A book entitled (We Egyptian Women) 1949
A book (Peace and Evacuation) 1951.

Inji Efflatoun won local and international awards, including:

Two awards from the Cairo Salon in 1956, 1957
First prize in the landscape competition organized by the Ministry of Culture in 1959
The Knight of Arts and Letters Medal 1985-1986 from the French Ministry of Culture

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