Alaa Negm

Alaa Negm is a contemporary visual artist who has organized many art courses to teach visual arts and
explain her distinctive style of work that deals with many human and social issues.
In her paintings you find the search for lost freedoms, just as her works are devoid of human struggles.
Freedom in her works is the release of the human spirit and its escape from the evils of human beings.
It has its own impact in its graphic works, which is characterized in both black and white as well as
colored works. She also found a world full of freedom and flexibility between her figurative paintings,
where the different materials and freedom of artistic media has become a characterization of the
accuracy of the composition and the beauty of the piece.

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Villa 118, Diplomatic District, El Sheikh Zayed

Opening Hours:
Daily from 10:00 AM- 6:00 PM

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